It's pollen season. My boy's nose is all kinds of stuffed. And I need a topical solution when allergy meds aren't cutting it. Sound familiar?! Here's's a non-toxic form of a vapor rub, you can make right at home and know every last ingredient, plus you can pronounce every word ;). Just saying!
Enjoy! And share with a friend.
Ingredients: 1/4 cup Coconut Oil 1/4 cup Olive Oil or other Carrier Oil 1 heaping TBSP Beeswax 30 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil 20 drops Peppermint Essential Oil 15 drops Rosemary Essential Oil Jar or Tin for Storing
Fill a medium sauce pan 1/2 way with water. Heat on medium-high to boil.
Place a glass pyrex bowl with a spout in the water and add your oils (coconut, olive, and beeswax).
Allow oils and wax to melt, then remove from heat and add essential oils.
Place into a 4 oz jar and allow to cool.
Happy DIYing,
Recipe credit to: The Mix Life